একাদশ শ্রেণির ভূগোল সিলেবাস ও প্রশ্ন বিন্যাস 2024-2025 (WBCHSE 11 Geography Syllabus & Question Pattern 2024-2025)
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উচ্চ-মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা সংসদ (West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education – WBCHSE) এর অধীন বিদ্যালয়গুলিতে 2024-2025 শিক্ষাবর্ষ থেকে একাদশ শ্রেণির ভূগোল (Geography) নতুন সিলেবাস চালু হয়েছে। একাদশ শ্রেণির পরীক্ষা দুটি সেমিস্টারে হবে।
সেমিস্টার অনুযায়ী ভূগোল সিলেবাস, প্রশ্নের ধরণ এবং প্রশ্ন বিন্যাস নিচে দেওয়া হয়েছে।
একাদশ শ্রেণির ভূগোল সিলেবাস ও প্রশ্ন বিন্যাস 2024-2025 (WBCHSE 11 Geography Syllabus & Question Pattern 2024-2025)
ভূগোল (Geography – GEGR)
সেমিস্টার – I
পূর্ণমান – 35
থিয়োরি | প্র্যাকটিক্যাল | প্রশ্নের ধরণ |
35 | 0 | MCQ |
সেমিস্টার – I : একাদশ শ্রেণির ভূগোল (থিয়োরি) প্রশ্ন বিন্যাস 2024-2025 (WBCHSE 11 Geography Question Pattern 2024-2025)
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সেমিস্টার – I : একাদশ শ্রেণির ভূগোল (থিয়োরি) সিলেবাস 2024-2025 (WBCHSE 11 Geography Syllabus 2024-2025)
Sub-Topic: Fundamentals of Physical Geography (15 Marks, 34 Hours)
- Unit-1 : Geography as a discipline (3 Hours) : Definition, nature and classification of Geography; Scope and content of Physical Geography
- Unit-2 : (9 Hours) :
- I. Origin of Earth: Classical theories (Kant, Jean and Jeffrey); Modern theory (Big Bang theory)
- II. Interior of the Earth: Sources of information regarding the Earth’s interior; Application of Seismology for analyzing Earth’s interior, Layering of the earth
- Unit-3 : Geomorphic Processes (14 Hours) :
- Endogenic processes – Definition, concept, and types; Vulcanicity (Definition, concept, causes, and types of vulcanicity; associated landforms; global distribution of volcanoes); Earthquake (Concept and definition of earthquake related aspects; causes, and consequences; measuring instruments and scale; global earthquake prone zones with special reference to India; Seaquake and Tsunami)
- Exogenic processes – Definition, concept and types
- Unit-4 : Weather and Climate (8 Hours) : Composition and structure of the Atmosphere: gaseous, liquid, and solid components of atmosphere; Layering of atmosphere based on thermal characteristics and elemental distribution; Importance of Ozonosphere; Causes and consequences of Ozone depletion
Sub-Topic: Fundamentals of Human Geography (12 Marks, 26 Hours)
- Unit-1 : Scope and Content of Human Geography (4 Hours) : Concept of man-environmental relationship; Fields and sub-fields of Human Geography
- Unit-2 : Economic Geography (22 Hours) :
- Classification of Economic activities – Primary, Secondary. Tertiary, Quaternary, and Quinary sectors with characteristics and examples
- Primary Activities – Hunting and gathering: Pastoralism; Agriculture (Subsistence, Commercial, Mixed, Market gardening. and Dairy farming); Production-wise distribution of important cash crop of two globally leading countries (except India) – coffee, sugarcane and cotton; Mining: types and environmental problems
Sub-Topic: Geography of India (8 Marks, 20 Hours)
- Unit-1 : India as a country (2 Hours) : Geographical location; Size, Administrative setup; Neighbouring countries
- Unit-2 : India Structure and Physiography (10 Hours) : Physiographic divisions of India with special reference to Tectonic provinces (Peninsular; Extra-peninsular; Indo-Gangetic, Coastal plains and Islands)
- Unit-3 : India Drainage systems (8 Hours) : Drainage systems of India with reference to flow directions and perenniality (The Himalayan drainage system; The Peninsular drainage system); Usages and sharing of river water
সেমিস্টার – II
পূর্ণমান – 65
থিয়োরি | প্র্যাকটিক্যাল | প্রশ্নের ধরণ |
35 | 30 | SAQ & LAQ |
সেমিস্টার – II : একাদশ শ্রেণির ভূগোল (থিয়োরি) প্রশ্ন বিন্যাস 2024-2025 (WBCHSE 11 Geography Question Pattern 2024-2025)
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সেমিস্টার – II : একাদশ শ্রেণির ভূগোল (থিয়োরি) সিলেবাস 2024-2025 (WBCHSE 11 Geography Syllabus 2024-2025)
Sub-Topic: Fundamentals of Physical Geography (15 Marks, 30 Hours)
- Unit-1 : Concept of Isostasy (4 Hours) : Concept of Isostatic anomalies, Theories of Airy and Pratt; Isostatic Adjustments; Cymatogeny
- Unit-2 : Geomorphic Processes (12 Hours) :
- Endogenic Processes : Folding and faulting (mechanism, structure, and types)
- Exogenic processes : Weathering (Definition, types, and resultant features); Soil forming process and factors; Soil profile development, Soil erosion; Soil conservation and management
- Unit-3 : Weather and Climate (10 Hours) :
- Climatic Elements : Solar Radiation, Heat balance, Temperature distribution (horizontal and vertical); Controlling factors of temperature distribution, Inversion of temperature
- Atmosphere Circulation : Controlling factors of atmospheric motion; Tri-cellular model; Planetary winds; Zonal winds (Surface – Walker circulation; Upper Air-Jet stream)
- Unit-4 : Hydrosphere (4 Hours) : Modes and Occurrence of water on Earth, Global hydrological cycle: Concept of run-off; Drainage basin as a hydrological unit
Sub-Topic: Fundamentals of Human Geography (12 Marks, 16 Hours)
- Unit-1 : Secondary Activities – Industry (12 Hours) : Classification of Industries; Factors responsible for industrial location, Production-wise distribution pattern of industries (leading two countries worldwide except India) –
- a) Agro-based: food processing industries.
- b) Sea-based: commercial marine fishing
- c) Forest-based: paper industries
- d) Mineral-based: Metallic (Iron and steel); Non-metallic (Petrochemical)
- e) Manufacturing-based: Automobile
- Unit-2 : Tertiary Activities (2 Hours) : Definition, Classification, Case study (Trade, Transport; Service; Communication; Tourism)
- Unit-3 : Quaternary Activities (1 Hours) : Nature and characteristics of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based industries; Research and Development (R&D) based industries
- Unit-4 : Quinary Activities (1 Hours) : Roles of specialists, decision-makers, consultants, policy. formulators
Sub-Topic: Geography of India (8 Marks, 14 Hours)
- Unit-1 : Indian Climate (6 Hours) : Controlling factors of Indian climate; Nature of Indian monsoon; Seasonal variability of weather; Monsoon and Indian Economy: Impact of ENSO Phenomena and global warming on Indian climate
- Unit-2 : Forests of India (3 Hours) : Types of forests, Ecological and economic significance, Programmes and policies of forest management in India
- Unit-3 : Natural Hazards and Disasters of India (5 Hours) :Concept and classification of hazards; Types of disasters; Hazard management approaches (pre-hazard, during occurrence, and post- hazard); Natural disaster management policy; Hazard prone zones of West Bengal.
সেমিস্টার – II : ব্যবহারিক (Practical) সিলেবাস
(30 Marks, 40 Hours)
- Unit-1 : Introduction to Maps (2 Marks, 2 Hours) : Definition; components, types, importance and uses
- Unit-2 : Map Scale (4 Marks, 9 Hours) : Concept and types of map scales; Graphical scale (Concept of Linear: Comparative; Diagonal; and Vernier scales; Construction of Linear scale)
- Unit-3 : Map Projection (5 Marks, 10 Hours) : Concept of map projection; Classification; Mathematical construction and properties of following projections –
- a. Polar Zenithal Stereographic
- b. Simple Conical with One Standard Parallel
- c. Mercator’s Projection
- Unit-4 : Interpretation of Topographical Maps (6 Marks, 12 Hours) : Study of Open series topographical maps (1:50000 scale) Preferably of a plateau region; Identification of topographical features using cross section drawings. Identification of break of slopes from cross section drawing and preparation of Broad Physiographic Divisions Map. Typical features identification (Drainage, Natural Vegetation; Transport and Communication; Settlement); Establishment of relationship between different Physical and cultural elements using Transect Chart (Schematic method)
- Unit-5 : Interpretation of Indian Daily Weather Maps (4 Marks, 5 Hours) : Daily Weather Maps of January and July months under following Heads Pressure condition; Wind condition; Sky condition (cloudiness and precipitation)
- Unit-6 : Preparation and Presentation of Poster✱ (4[2+2] Marks, 2 Hours) : Poster related to any one prominent hazard/ disaster (Causes, consequences, Preparedness and Management) with respect to West Bengal
- Unit-7 : Laboratory Notebook✱✱ and Viva-Voce (5[3+2] Marks)
✱✱ The laboratory notebook should contain A3 sized (42 cm × 29.7 cm) white pages in landscape mode.
✱ Poster related to selected topic should be of A1 (59.4 cm × 84.1 cm, approximately). Technique of preparing the hardcopy poster can be manual digital/ blended. The poster should carry signatures of teachers responsible for supervising the poster preparation.
Each topic of the laboratory notebook should contain the following sub-heads: statement of the problem, objectives, materials and methods (with data source), calculations, drawings/ representation (if any), analysis and interpretation.
Tutorial + Remedial + Assignments: 6+10+4=20 Hours (Semester: I+II)